We have always dreamed of a place where staff, volunteers and the greater community can connect with our mission, each other, and their role in stewarding the land—a place where visitors feel inspired by our work and understand how and why we do it. After years of careful planning, our dream is now becoming a reality.
Surrounded by schools and neighborhoods—and in the heart of an impaired watershed critical to the quality of our drinking water—the Conservation Center is not just our office, but a place where people can join together to build a more resilient, engaged and proactive community.
We welcome guests to connect with our mission and learn about the role each of us can play in caring for our critical lands and waters. Visitors can come here to find information about our ongoing land protection and stewardship projects and other important, collaborative initiatives across the region.

An indoor and outdoor event area provides a space where like-minded individuals and organizations can work together, share ideas, and learn about various environmental topics affecting northern Michigan. The natural setting, with opportunities to meet outside or indoors overlooking the grounds, sets a beautiful stage for teamwork, collaboration, and education.
Outfitted with green features, the sustainably designed campus is also a model for a carbon-neutral approach to energy use. Close to half of the campus’s total square footage was repurposed from existing buildings, with renovations and new construction entirely funded by private donors. The facility not only reduces our carbon footprint but provides significant savings in energy costs over the long term—meaning more dollars for our core land protection and stewardship mission.